Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Catch Up

I just realized I neglected to blog about our Day family Christmas! This was mine and Carl's third Christmas together :) and our second Christmas with my family. We switch every year which family we celebrate with, and I'm pretty sure I'll grow to love both experiences equally. They both have their own members, traditions, and celebrations that make them unique. You might remember last year's post A Virgin Christmas which included a delightful night of talents. I totally missed that this year!
I forgot we took this silly picture December 1!
Our family always spends Christmas Eve night with as many relatives in the area. We play games, act out the nativity story, and eat lots of food! I'm not sure what this game pictured is called, but you have to use gloves to open all the presents to get to the prize! Only those who roll doubles get a turn :)
Aaron's attempts to open.
Go Carl!
I'm not going to lie, I got pretty vicious trying to open it!
My grandma won!! And cousin Josh is trying to nab the prize...
Mary & Joseph
Madilyn is the director of this nativity ;)
The angel Gaberial comes to the shepherds...? Or sheep dog! ;)
The wise men!
The whole scene :)
Jingle bells!
Mads loves dogs!

This year Carl and I were able to have Christmas morning all to ourselves! It was a delight :) Although we didn't get too much sleep... Carl was up all night with a baby flashlight and his tools putting together my present: a rocking chair!!! (CARL'S NOTE: Assembly not as easy as described!) Poor guy only got about three hours of sleep putting it together quietly, so I wouldn't hear! We went over to my parent's for traditional Christmas morning crepes, skyped with Carl's parents, and headed to Becca's for Christmas dinner.
Our lovely Christmas tree!

My beautiful present from Carl!!
He always takes pictures with a head tilt now! It's super cute.
Excited to open presents!
Toms from Santa!
She didn't quite get into the unwrapping spirit like we thought!
Oogling and talking to her new baby doll!
My dad loves his present from my mom!
As you can tell, we are very tired!
Aaron's favorite present!
Playing Bezzer Wizzer--my dad's present!
No caption needed haha!
Allan's family joined us later at Becca's!
I am looking forward to the new year especially since next Christmas we get to spend it with our little Everest!! We're so excited for 2013 and all the twists and turns we know it will bring.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lessons from 4-year olds

Today was our last day as Sunbeam teachers! It was very bitter sweet. Although we're excited about not having to be super prepared with dynamite lessons every week, we will miss our little group of 4-year olds. Well, little group might not be the right adjective... We bounced from ten kids to five to seven in about a eight month span. Needless to say, we have learned a lot from all of them! Here is an accumulated list of what Carl and I learned from our little ones:
1. CARL: Always bring enough pink hand outs. Crying will ensue if a female does not get a pink one.
          Accordingly, never try to give a pink hand out to a boy. More crying
          will ensue.
          Better yet, don't do anything in color. White is your best option.
2. ALISA: Regardless of what children's books say, there is somehow always enough room on your lap for a child. Even if you are with child.
3. CARL: Anticipate the answer, "And be nice." This is a more common answer than your standard seminary responses.
          Oh, and each child must have their turn to say it.
4. ALISA: Coloring pages are an essential part of your lesson.
5. CARL: If a boy says he's a lion, he's a lion. No questions. Just tell them lions have to behave in church too.
6. ALISA: Teach them to raise their hands. (We didn't enforce this soon enough!)
7. CARL: All the girls love Kasen (the only boy in the glass), but "Broder Birgin" is handsome too.
8. ALISA: Every home-drawn picture you receive is a treasure :) We loved when they brought us their art work!
9. CARL: When parents say, "They are potty trained" they mean, "When they are with me, they are potty trained." Bring a change of pants for yourself. Your lap is more cozy than porcelain. 
10. ALISA: Show them all the love in the world :)

What will our next Primary adventure be?? And will it be in the near future or when we are old and grey? One thing is for sure, we learned from those simple lessons just as much as our little ones did. It was inspiring to recognize how a simple an idea can be so powerful.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Birthday Eyelashes & Ferbies

Can you believe my baby sister is 18??

Nope, me neither! I remember when Angela was very little (and I was young too--I was probably 9 years old) I would dote on her like a little puppy. I remember always wanting to buy her things and show her my love in any way possible. So much has happened since then, but I still want to love and care for her just as much if not more. She is indeed an angel in our family and to those she comes in contact with.

Unfortunately, her birthday included her band concert which the whole family attended. My grandpa Day flew in earlier that evening for the festivities! (And to come to Annie's wedding tomorrow!) We had a good time afterwards opening presents, eating cake & ice cream, and playing hand & foot.

Our present! To go see Les Miserable next week!
Ryan was so excited about the puzzle gifts!
But I think he thought they were for him ;)
Waiting for us to stop singing...
And make a wish!
Ben sneaking Mad's a bite of cake ;)
Lovely self portrait :)
The par-tay!
Big sister!
Her Minnie pillow pet!
(Please excuse the blur!)
Hand & foot
Besties :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Morning Love Note

I love snuggling up into Carl's "nook" when he is still sleepy.

I love when he then holds me close and kisses my forehead.
I love when he has me kiss his cheek over and over and over again.
I love talking about our weird dreams.
I love pretending we don't have to go anywhere that day.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December showers bring... wedding bells?

Angela is about to get the phrase "You're next!" when Annie gets hitched NEXT FRIDAY!!! :) Saturday we had a bridal shower to get the festivities started! It was a great mix of family, YSA friends, and old friends (as in Annie has known them for a long time!) We played a game called "He Said, She Said" were guests had to guess which statement was made by the groom or bride on Facebook. Their personalities are different enough that this was a pretty easy to guess who ;) The second game was Love Bingo, a wedding twist on your typical Bingo game! Guests listened to statements about either the bride or groom and held up the name they thought corresponded. If you were correct, you got to mark out a square on your Bingo card. It was a delightful shower and made me even more excited for Annie's marriage!! Stay tuned for 12.21.12 :)

Guests (1)
Yes, Madilyn was invited to the big girl party ;)
Guests (2) And Annie!
Guests (3)

Guests (4)

He Said, She Said game

Love Bingo
I believe this particular statement was "obsessed with the way towels are folded."
Annie was indeed the right answer ;)

The lovely bride!

She was really excited about the waffle iron :)

Sisters! (Minus Angela)

Hosts & Bride!

YSA gals!

Moms :)