Thursday, December 20, 2012

Birthday Eyelashes & Ferbies

Can you believe my baby sister is 18??

Nope, me neither! I remember when Angela was very little (and I was young too--I was probably 9 years old) I would dote on her like a little puppy. I remember always wanting to buy her things and show her my love in any way possible. So much has happened since then, but I still want to love and care for her just as much if not more. She is indeed an angel in our family and to those she comes in contact with.

Unfortunately, her birthday included her band concert which the whole family attended. My grandpa Day flew in earlier that evening for the festivities! (And to come to Annie's wedding tomorrow!) We had a good time afterwards opening presents, eating cake & ice cream, and playing hand & foot.

Our present! To go see Les Miserable next week!
Ryan was so excited about the puzzle gifts!
But I think he thought they were for him ;)
Waiting for us to stop singing...
And make a wish!
Ben sneaking Mad's a bite of cake ;)
Lovely self portrait :)
The par-tay!
Big sister!
Her Minnie pillow pet!
(Please excuse the blur!)
Hand & foot
Besties :)

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